On this page you can share your opinion about
a Blades of Avernum adventure. Did it enrage you, delight you
or somewhere in between? Give us feedback! It will help your
fellow players find the good and avoid the bad. If a review
is especially thoughtful then we'll add it to the review page
of that scenario.
Our Rating System: Our rating system works from 5 down
to 1. (See list below for guidelines).
5 - The perfect scenario.
4 - Very enjoyable and well executed.
3 - Flawed, but enjoyable in parts.
2 - Poor and not really worth the download.
1 - Horrible and should not exist.
1. Name:
2. Full Email Address:
3. Scenario Selection: (Choose one scenario from the pick
list below. Only one scenario can
be reviewed at a time.)
Select a Scenario:
4. Overall Rating: (Required)
(The above field is limited to 4 characters.)
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