You Shall Not Pass! When you want to block the party's progress, there are tricks wily players can use to get around your traps. Remember that players can move diagonally. If you want a trap blocking the parties progress, check to make sure that they can't move diagonally around it. Example: #O## #O## #TOO #### O - corridor, # - wall, T - trap The player can move around this trap easily by moving to the space just to the right of it and then walking northwest. Similarly, when starting combat and then ending combat, the party will be shifted around. It is possible that they can use this trick to cross over blocking special encounters. To get around this, create blocked spaces. You can place these in the editor, using the Make Spot Blocked button. Monsters will not cross blocked spaces, and the party will not be place on those spaces when they leave combat. Note that, after the party can legitimately cross the special encounter, you may want it to become unblocked. You can do this with the change_blocked call. Think like a player. They're devious. Be prepared. -Jeff Vogel