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BoE Non-Technical Questions GENERAL
Here is the link for our message boards. Talk to the
rest of the Blades of Exile community and get advice and ideas. I have been trying to get these questions answered
for the past week, but Jeff seems to not pay attention to them. How long does it take for a scenario to post? (I submitted
mine about 10 days ago.) Also, bear in mind that if your scenario needs frequent updates, we'll tend to be much slower to update it. After all, frequent updates put an unfair burden on us. Did you get my scenario? I uploaded it a few days
ago. Thanks. Do you need my scenario's password? I deeply sympathize with the needs that forced your posted change to scenario listing policy. However, you neglected to say how it will now be determined that a scenario _does_ get listed. Do you (Jeff) play it a little, and pitch all the obvious losers? You certainly can't play all of them all the way through, and if this catches on you won't be able to play even the beginnings of them all. Or have a peer review group? Maybe volunteers? Or make it a requirement of listing that the author review N other scenarios? Or let the submitter find his reviewers, and require submission of N email addresses of those who had played it through and vouched for it? The spur that prompted this note is Prazac's Quest.
According to the README, the author is in 4th grade. On the one hand,
it got a BoE error message (jump to non-existent town) in the startup
town. On the other hand, all of it that could be seen was _very_ impressive
for a 10 year old and (depending on what the rest of it looked like) might
even be enjoyable for an adult. How are we supposed to rate that? Basically I look at all scenarios submitted to us with a master scenario editor. Scenarios are then easily judged. If I can look at the entire scenario on one screen, with the only dialogue being something like "hi my name is Bob", we reject it as being trivial. If there is more meat to a scenario, then we usually accept it. I check the dialogue randomly, we check the towns and outdoor sections for quality of painting and complexity. This is always what we have done before however we are more strict now because we are getting more trivial stuff then ever before. Prazac's Quest is an example of a borderline case. It is not very good in terms of plot but for a 4th grader it's excellent, and he clearly put a lot of time in painting towns etc. I think he deserves some "peer review" and credit. I was reading about how trivial scenarios are not
wanted. I have made a small scenario that you consider trivial. It consists
of just 1 town, an arena. You may bet or fight for treasure in the arena.
Tell me if this trivial. If so I will send it to you as an augment for
other people who wish to have an arena in their scenario. Also, we don't need any more generic party-builders, check out the Scenario Utility page for things like that. I'm just now finishing up a scenario on my Mac. What
do I need to do, if anything, to modify or convert the .meg graphics file
so it's usable by PC users? Is there any way to transfer saved game files between
PC & Mac? How do you change a scenario's name after it has been
set? I also said I have a suggestion. Do you think you
(Jeff) could put a little document up on the Scenario Workshop page that
describes the thought process you go through when designing dungeons,
puzzles, and Terrain. Why is there a limit of 50 placed special nodes in
any given town? I have run up against this several times. Recently, I have been trying to find out if anyone
making a scenario for Blades of Exile can use graphics from Realmz scenarios.
I contacted Fantasoft1@aol.com on the matter and they said that the artwork
is under contract and can only be used in Realmz. Not only is this depressing, but it's also puzzling;
the Exile trilogy and Blades of Exile use many graphics from Realmz, so
I'm contacting you. Is it possible to use Realmz graphics in Blades scenarios
under these circumstances? Should I contact the artist of the images directly? OK. Could you please tell me what the artist's web
site or e-mail address is? How do you figure out the ratings for the submitted
scenarios. To this I append a list of questions about the nature of the world of Exile. 1. Is it true that there is constant daylight on the
surface world? 2. Is the world round or flat? 3. Do cave trees photosynthesize? Can they die? Are
they really made of wood? 4. Do demons have wings? Some? All? 5. Does the world become colder or warmer as the depth
increases? Two items of consideration: Morog sends the party down to a
frigid area, while the Slithzerikai fear cold (builders in Exile III)
and would naturally live in warm places. 6. Are there infinitely many gods on which priestly
magics of the abundant different cults can call upon? Or are priest spells
simply mage spells in disguise? 7. What is the explanation for the abundance of life
in the caves without energy from sunlight? 8. When Grah-Hoth uses Linda's soul for the demon-gate
in the Tower disaster, how does the real Linda manage to hide and speak? 9. How do the Exiles tell time? They obviously wouldn't
see the sun rise and set, so when do they know to go to bed? How do they
count the days? I have an idea for a future scenario that basically
has all of the action taking place within one city, but with each building
(or a selection of them) actually consisting of 'stairways' taking you
to another town that is the buildings "interior". My question
is, what are the limits of this? How many stairway specials could I have
within one town? Would it ever be possible to allow new PC races? Vahnatai,
troglos, goblins, or any of the other humanoid races? Were scenarios intended to be released as shareware
in and of themselves? Even though Blades Of Exile is based in medieval days...
would a modern day scenario stand a chance? (if so you can bet to get
one from me) Also, is it kosher to create scenarios that are completely
unrelated to the Exile world? My first question was also asked with this
in mind. The problem is, these scenarios will have a lot of
material (monsters, items, etc.) based on a different fantasy background,
which I envisage fitting in well with the Exile world. The problem is,
where would I, and you (regarding the contest and also distribution matters)
stand, as the stuff I would be using would not, in effect, be mine. Would you be mad if I have major NPCs named Mully
and Sculder and a friendly alien beast named "QueeQuag"? I COULD
always name the alien beast "Pooky" if there's a problem. You mention for the design contest no EXPLICIT sexual
content....please define Explicit for me. I mean, would it be ok to have
a bordello in your town. You can't see them naked and can't get it. Also,
would it be bad if almost everyone responds to the word rape. You can't
actually complete this task. All they do when you ask about rape is run
away and the town gets angry at you. Well, sometimes they don't get angry....depends
on the character..... BTW- You said it is okay if a person expresses racist
feelings against the nephilim but it is bad if you must get slaves to
win a game. If your characters are working for the empire is it okay for
them to express hatred against the vahnatai, or is such thoughts as "You
promise to kill the vahnatai for what they have done to you" a no-no?
I was reading some of your tips on how to improve
scenarios, and one of them was of course that things like profanity were
not really acceptable. Softer language ("damn", "ass", etc.) is not terrible objectionable, and would not hurt one's chances in the scenario design contest. Stronger language (the f-word, etc.) is a different story. A lot of users find very strong language quite bothersome, especially considering the relative youth of many Exile fans and the fact that many parents play the game with their children. So "damn" is pretty safe, though I'd probably rate the scenario PG just to play it safe. More than that? Use your judgement and common sense. I like making graphics... but is it advisable to add
many graphics? I use windows 3.11 so I'm impatiently and eagerly
waiting for B.O.E. to come out for windows... I know you said February...
but isn't there a chance of getting it out earlier? *eager expression*
You are going to produce more scenarios for BOE, right?
Because all the ones I've played so far really kinda suck. When I try to run Busywork Bandits, it gives me two
standard 'scenario screw-up' messages, one with error 35, one with 36.
Then BOE quits because of error type 2. What gives? Any chance of your putting Exile I, II, or III on
BOE (or someone else who you think can do it)? Right now the story is that he's avenging the death
of Erika Redmark and in order to stop him you have to bring her back in
the form of a Crystal Soul. The question is -- am I allowed to do this?
Is Erika an untouchable NPC? So I went and threw in the Friendly Spiders and made
them Depressed. I did it too well and it makes my previewers cry. That
defeats the point of this very silly scenario! Should I mess it up so
it's not so good? Should I do something else entirely? Should I get new
previewers? Why Can't I Play My Scenarios On My Copy Of BoE (Unregistered) I have lots of cobblestone roads in my various towns,
only to find that when the game automatically converts some of them to
diagonals, they show up as diagonals on top of cave floor - in a town
on the surface. I really don't want people to drag in their invincible
parties and end the Pax Romana with Divine Thuds. Is there a patch to
disable spells and/or prevent people from importing their experienced
parties? Is there a way to charm one or more party members
so they end up fighting against the party? Also, is the requirement for moving quickfire that
you can see through it? I haven't had time to test this. There's my problem.
Solve it (please!). I only have one gripe with the scenario editor. When
you place anything except terrain, you have to click on the button again,
which really sucks. , - edit monster I use these all the time. I can see I'm going to have trouble with the limits.
My first town has ~105 special nodes ~80 squares with specials and 25
personalities. That is after much scrimping, and leaving in a few bugs.
At least some of the limits have workarounds. (special terrain, multiple
identical towns etc.) but I am getting worried about the event horizon.
I cannot keep using scenario specials to take up the slack. How does saving and restoring interrelate with editing
the scenario? I can see problems coming if I need to play through the
entire scenario just to get to the point I need to test. Why is the starting town forced to be medium - especially
given that it can be changed to another town after beginning? How do you make a road? The only icons are the ones
for a dot of road but they don't connect when you place them next to each
other. Mr. Vogel, BoE gives us the right to make adventures
aimed at high-level characters. However, I don't see a way for players
to make a high-level party without going through a couple other adventures
first. I also can't figure out the mechanism for importing
PC's from another saved game into my scenario. Also, can they only be
from a Blades scenario or can they be from any previous Exile release?
To e-mail it you say to use Stuffit Deluxe. I use
Zip. Is this okay? How I exactly send in my scenario? The instructions
seem to make no sense. Sending files zipped up or compressed using compact pro is OK. Do I have to compress my scenarios with a program
like Stuffit or is that optional??? Where can I get a copy of Stuffit Max? I need to know
if I am to submit any Scenario's for BoE. In the manual for the Scenario Editor you mention
that you can open scenarios in debug mode. I was wondering how you do
this. When you press the tilde key, it displays a distorted
monster PICT in the terrain window. Is it supposed to do that? Why? What do you use to program and compile the exile games?
Visual basic? C++? The only real programming and compiling I've done is
in FirstBasic (like QBasic except it allows you to compile the programs
into *.exe files etc...) although I've made some reasonably good games
from that. SCENARIO CONTEST I have not seen an answer to this on the FAQ page.
It seems there are two general classes of "good" scenarios:
neat little packages which hold together well and epics. Are these rated
differently for the purpose of the contest or will the epics likely dominate? In the contest instructions you say that maps must
be made with the scenario Editor. How do you make maps? There is no way
that I can see. How many scenarios have already been submitted and
how many do you estimate there to be at the deadline? I know that the max size of the scenario entered is
1MB but is that 1MB zipped or unzipped? Hi, I didn't know which of your E-Mail addresses to
send this to, so I picked the one that had the most to do with Blades
of Exile. Hopefully, I will be submitting a scenario to your contest:
Is there a size limit for submitted scenarios? Can you submit multiple scenarios? If so how many? Do earlier submitted scenarios have a better chance
of winning? (since, if you wait till the last date, there isn't much time
for the judges to play it) Are there any more hints than the ones on the page?
I know designing a scenario is tougher than it sounds (I used to make
scenarios for games not unlike B.O.E. in dos). REGARDING UPDATES/UPGRADES Also, I recently received the registered version of
the game, and I would like to know if I'll receive registered updates
of the game if any are made. Will any adjustments ever be made to the Editor? Like
a spell editor, or objects that react to spells? I've noticed that the default "Transform to what?"
field for all terrain is 0. This causes a problem when using the "Transform
Rectangle Terrain" node. When used, it causes all terrain within
the rectangle to change to Cave Floor. I tried to go through and change
the "Transform to what?" fields of all the terrains, but it
turns out that the editor won't let you change that field for the first
90 types. It seems to me that the default "Transform to what?"
field for each terrain should be that terrain's number, with the exception
of the levers. If I start a new scenario using lets say v1.0 of the
scenario editor then upgrade my scenario edited to v1.0.3 will my scenario
that I started with v1.0 be upgraded??? In future updates of the scenario editor, could you
add some if-then specials that check whether any of the members of the
party are Nephilim or Slithzerikai (similar to the 'has cave lore?' and
'has woodsman?'specials)? I remember that either Exile II or III could
do this, but it's not currently a part of Blades. Thanks. I was just wondering what in-game effects setting
monster types to Important or Magical Creature have... the other ones
are pretty straight forward... I've noticed that the default "Transform to what?"
field for all terrain is 0. This causes a problem when using the "Transform
Rectangle Terrain" node. When used, it causes all terrain within
the rectangle to change to Cave Floor. I tried to go through and change
the "Transform to what?" fields of all the terrains, but it
turns out that the editor won't let you change that field for the first
90 types. It seems to me that the default "Transform to what?"
field for each terrain should be that terrain's number, with the exception
of the levers. An update for blades of exile win95/mac that would
include the option of editing spells only in that scenario.