Exile: Escape From the Pit
- "Exile offers an easygoing point-and-click interface; pleasant,
if unambitious, graphics; ... literate prose; and a vast scope."
- PC Games, Nov. 1996
- "From the top of its head to the tip of its toes, the game shows
a lot of class." - Computer Games Strategy Plus, Dec. 1996
- "Exile is a game that Ultima aficionados should put at the top
of their download list."
- Computer Player
- "4 out of 5 joysticks." - Inside Mac Games Magazine, April
- "Exile's hefty file size may seem excessive, but Jeff Vogel's
adventure game offers commercial-quality graphics, cool puzzles to solve,
and a slew of characters to interact with." - MacWorld, July 1995
Exile is a full-length, shareware fantasy role-playing game for the Macintosh.
This edition contains several new features and improvements. These are
listed below, and the full description follows.
The full advertisement follows:
Now Available:
Spiderweb Software proudly present Exile: Escape From the Pit, a new,
full-length, fantasy role-playing shareware game for the Mac. Exile features
a huge, highly detailed world with many quests, scads of characters to
interact with, and almost eighty towns and dungeons, scattered over an
enormous world.
Exile has several overall game quests, of varying difficulty, each the
size of a full game. If one doesn't appeal to you, you can try another,
or all of them! The game can be as linear and goal-driven as you want
it to be. Exile also has a simple, elegant skill-based character system.
No more character classes - you design characters who do exactly what
you want them to do, with as much versatility as you want to put into
In addition, Exile has all the features game players have come to expect,
including intricate graphics and sound, full auto-mapping, many, many
puzzles, and, of course, the obligatory hordes of evil nasties just waiting
to be robbed and butchered. Finally, the first full half of the game is
free, with full functionality!
The story:
"exile n. 1. Enforced removal from one's native country. 2. The state
or circumstance of being in Exile."
Above ground, there is only one nation: The Empire. That's all it's called.
What need is there for fancy names when there's really only one game in
The Empire maintains order at all costs. Misfits, magical creatures, and
petty criminals of all sorts are unwanted, and the Empire has one tried
and true way of disposing of them...
They are sent through a one-way teleporter into the Underworld. And, alas,
you have had the bad luck to be considered misfits.
There are hundreds of miles of twisting tunnels and enormous caverns under
the surface world, filled with creatures fantastic and mundane, all scrabbling
for the same limited food and limited space. It is into this hostile,
war-ravaged land that you are sent to find your fortune. Or just try to
Exile is $25 shareware. It requires System 7, a 13" monitor, and
256 color quickdraw. It takes up 3 MB on disk and requires 2 MB RAM. Exile
is compatible with AV and 68000 series (eg Classic, SE) macs. A hint booklet
is available for $6.50. Phone registration is available by calling (206)789-4438.
VISA and MasterCard accepted.
Contact: Spiderweb Software, PO Box 85659, Seattle, WA 98145. A hint booklet
is available for $6.50. The author is a member of the Associationof Shareware
Professionals (ASP).
It will run on 256 color PowerBooks, but not PowerBooks with less colors.
- Jeff Vogel
Keeper of Exile
Spiderweb Software
See a Screenshot of Exile: Escape From the Pit