Exile for Windows FAQ
This is the FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) file for Exile: Escape From
Pit, a HUGE, highly detailed shareware fantasy role-playing game for
This FAQ contains a description of the game, system requirements, tips
regarding common problems, and hints for the trickiest puzzles.
This is a FAQ in the truest form - everything in here I've typed out for
stuck gamers more times than I care to think of. I don't mind this, of
course. I love hearing from and helping people. I can be reached at SpidWeb@spidweb.com,
and 76463,1521 on CompuServe. Feel free to drop me a note!
Section 1: What is Exile?
1.0 What is it?
1.1 System requirements?
1.2 Why should I register?
1.3 Bugs and Troubleshooting
1.4 Does this feature exist?
1.5 How BIG is this game, anyway?
1.6 My screen colors go all funny when I run Exile!
1.7 Is Exile on the World Wide Web?
1.8 How do I get it?
1.9 What about Exile II? Future games?
1.10 Plan to make a scenario editor?
Section 2: Nastier Puzzles
2.0 How do I get past the gremlins in the glade?
2.1 Where is the stone key?
2.2 How do I get into the tower where Grah-Hoth is imprisoned?
2.3 On the third floor of the Crypt of Drath, how do I get past the
2.4 Where is the graymold?
2.5 Where can I store my items?
2.6 Where is the fifth piece of mold?
2.7 How do I get over chasms?
2.8 How do I get past the goblins in Erika's tower?
2.9 How do I pass the double barrier in the Vahnatai cave to the far west?
2.10 How do I enter the Shattered Fort?
Section 3: Miscellaneous
3.0 Is it safe to kill the dragons?
3.1 If you killed a dragon you shouldn't have...
3.2 How can I get money?
3.3 What's the latest version?
Section 1: What is Exile?
This section describes the game, what you need to run it, and how to get
various problems you may encounter.
1.0 What is it?
Description of Exile for Windows 3.1/95
1.1 What are the system requirements?
Exile requires Windows 3.1 or 95, 256 colors, 2 MB free memory, 5 MB disk
space, and a 13" monitor.
Q: I have 16 colors. Will it run?
A: Exile runs on 16 color machines. It's a very dicey proposition, and
when it does run, the colors are ugly.
Q:The screen is really tiny. What's the deal?
A: Go into your system settings and select a screen driver with a lower
resolution. You'll be able to see the game just fine.
1.2 Why should I register?
Exile is $25 shareware. Without registering, you can play the first
half of the game at full functionality, and believe me, that's a LOT of
Upon registration, you get a code that lets you into the second half
of the game, a printed out instruction manual, and a command reference
Plus, you have made it possible for a full-time Mac game programmer to
continue making software for our favorite platform.
1.3 Bugs and troubleshooting.
Q: My game became unregistered when I moved up to a new version!
A: When you register, make a copy of your misc.dat file and put it in
a safe
place. Put in in the folder with the new copy of the game.
Q: I register, but then the game is unregistered when I run it again!
do I do?
A: Sometimes, the game becomes corrupted when it becomes uncompressed.
Contact me at SpidWeb@aol.com, or call me at (206)789-4438, and I'll
reregister your copy.
Q: When I run Exile, the colors in all my other applications turn strange.
A: This is an unfortunate and inevitable result of the way Windows handles
colors. Exile needs to reserve all the colors in the palette for its own
Q: I'm getting crashes!
A: OK. First, turn off sounds. Then, if running Windows 95, turn off the
file checking and compression utilities. Then make sure no other programs
are running. Then move up to a more recent version (1.1 fixes many problems).
If none of these things work, then contact me. (SpidWeb@aol.com)
Q: The game crashes whenever I try to target a missile.
A: Upgrade to 1.1.2 or later. Select No Targeting Line from the Options
1.4 Does this feature exist?
Q: How do I save maps?
A: Yes. Select Save Maps from the Options menu.
Q: How do I store away my excess items? I can't carry enough!
A: There are storerooms in Silvar and the Castle. Ask around.
1.5 How big is this game, anyway?
Big. The lair of Sulfras, Erika's tower, and Grah-Hoth's castle are at
the far
western edge. The Castle is at the east-west halfway point. Fort Duvno
at the north-south halfway point. There are 77 towns and dungeon levels,
and 42 outdoor sections. Every section, town and dungeon has a bunch of
special encounters. There's a LOT of game there.
1.6 When I run Exile, my screen colors go all funny.
Not a bug. More a quirk in Windows. The only way Exile can guarantee
it gets all 256 colors for its graphics is to take over Windows colors.
This makes other programs look somewhat quirky.
1.7 Is Exile on the Web?
Yes. Related pages
1.8 How do I get Exile?
Exile is on a variety of shareware collections, can be downloaded
from AOL, CompuServe, and EWorld, and is at many ftp sites, including
ftp.cdrom.com, and ftp.cica.indiana.edu. A copy can generally be found
at ftp.wustl.edu, in /pub/WINDOWS_UPLOADS. File exile11.zip, or something
1.9 What about Exile II? Future games?
Exile II: Crystal Souls and Exile
III: Ruined World are the second and third parts of the Exile trilogy.
1.10 Are you planning to make a scenario editor?
Section 2: Nastier Puzzles
The hint book for Exile contains piles of hints. It's over 20 pages of
densely packed text. It's a good buy.
However, some puzzles are icky above and beyond the call of duty. Here's
some hints to get you unstuck...
2.0: How do I pass the gremlins in the glade?
They're unhappy. Find some wine for them.
2.1: Where is the stone key?
Motrax saw it once. Ask him about "bribe." Then search the caves
southeast of his lair. The key is at a special you probably visited already.
2.2 How do I get into the tower where Grah-Hoth is imprisoned?
The buttons are a red herring. Use a magic map. Look for secret things
the southwest corner of the dungeon. Then search for secret doors in the
wall of the tower.
2.3 On the third floor of the Crypt of Drath, how do I get past the
(This is my favorite puzzle. You have to play it to find out how obnoxious
Walk into the east teleporter three times. Search for secret doors.
2.4 Where is the graymold?
Start in a boat by Fort Dranlon. Take the river east to the large lake.
the shore north, and follow the river heading away to the north. The graymold
it at the source or that river.
2.5 Where can I store my items?
In version 1.1 or later. Leave items in the room in the inn with one crate
in it in Silvar, or in the 3x3 room off the storeroom in the Castle.
2.6 Where is the fifth piece of mold?
On the other side of the river. To get across, see 2.7, or go mess around
in the Giant Castle way to the north. You're looking for the giant's boats...
2.7 How do I get over chasms?
Get the Orb of Thralni. It's hidden in the Waterfall Warren, 2 sections
west of Fort Dranlon.
2.8 How do I get past the goblins in Erika's tower?
(This is my second favorite puzzle)
"Pierce them both to get the prize."
2.9 How do I pass the double barrier in the Vahnatai cave to the far west?
Play Exile II.
2.10 How do I get into that big fort beyond the lava just west of the
Tower of Magi?
Go see Patrick. Ask him about 'fort' or 'akhronath.' He knows where the
key is.
Section 3: Miscellaneous
Odds and ends.
3.0 Is it safe to kill the dragons?
You are supposed to kill Pyrog. All the others know something you need
know for one of the winning quests. Once you find it, it's OK to kill
dragons, but it's not very nice.
3.1 If you killed a dragon you shouldn't have...
Use the Exile Editor. It can unkill all the dragons in its
unregistered state.
If you don't do this, you're stuck.
3.2 How can I get money?
The wandering encounters outdoors around the start are designed to give
a decent amount of $$$ at low levels. Also, the Getting Started In Exile
file that came with the game has many good tips.
3.3 Latest version info.
Version 2.0 is coming in January, 1996. It will have professional, completely
redone graphics.
In sum, Exile is detailed, deep, and highly addictive. Highly, highly
addictive. Give it a try! And please, like it or not, tell me what you
- Jeff Vogel
Keeper of Exile
Spiderweb Software
Download Exile: Escape From the Pit v1.1
for Windows
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