Your character will be able to create servants to aid in combat.
When a servant is created, the player may choose to make it more
or less powerful. A player can make a large host of weak creatures,
or a small number of stronger creatures. In addition, servants grow
stronger with time. The player can pick a fixed, stronger, less
versatile force, or create less experienced creatures which can
be perfectly designed to match the situation.
There are eighteen sorts of creatures which you can create, including:
Fyoras, Thahds, Artilas, Vlishs, Roamers, Clawbugs, Ornks, Drayks,
Battle Alphas and Glaahks. Each has its own abilites, and each type
will be more useful in some situations than others.
A fyora is a small, fierce lizard creature. They have sharp
teeth, and large glands in its throat give it the ability to
spit globules of flaming saliva. Fyoras have an excellent mix
of melee and missile ability. |
Thahds are large, clumsy humanoids. They have thick bones, strong
muscles, small internal organs, and tiny brains. A good melee
creature, with a sad tendency to get confused in large battles. |
A long, multi-segmented, physcially fragile worm. However, their
ability to spit long lances of searing acid makes them very
useful in battle. You will, however, have to take pains to protect
them. |
The vlish's main body sac is filled with helium bubbles,
enabling it to float smoothly over the ground. Its central tentacle
bears a wicked, poisonous sting. A vlish can do lots of damage,
but it takes time. |
A fierce, muscular quadraped. Most of its internal development
is in its jaw, which features a fine combination of powerful
muscles and acid glands. Its bite and its spit make roamers
very useful at long and short range. |
Clawbug are vicious creatures, with thick armor, well-protected
internal organs, and a stinger full of vicious venom. Their
poison does a lot of damage, but not immediately. |
Not all of the Shaper creations are designed for carnage and
mayhem. The ornk is a custom-made variety of livestock. They
are very hardy, and their tusks help defend them from a variety
of natural predators. They are the main source of protein
for many colonies in environments too harsh to support conventional
livestock. If you don't bother them, they won't bother you.
Drayks are powerful, cunning, and extremely intelligent. So
much so that Shapers on the mainland don't make them anymore.
They can be extremely hard to control. They breathe deadly balls
of flame and have a vicious bite. A Shaper with an army of Drayks
is a wonder to behold. |
Battle Alpha
Battle Alphas have long been the core shock troops of Shaper
armies. A Battle Alpha is a massive, muscular humanoid. The
blows of its fists do massive damage. |
The Glaahk is muscular and armored. However, its strength lies
in its magical sting. A blow from it will temporarily paralyze
a foe. A troublesome enemy can be held in check by a Glaahk
until you are ready to deal with it. |