Support and Updates
On this page, you will be able to find all of the latest bug alerts and updates for Nethergate: Resurrection for both Macintosh and Windows.
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Nethergate: Resurrection Support for Windows
We have upgraded Nethergate: Resurrection for Windows with the demo at v1.0.1 but the full version has been updated to v1.1 to enable resolution switching when launching the game. To get the newest full registered installer email Spiderweb Support: support(at)spiderwebsoftware.com.
Nethergate Version History
- Fixed a problem where movement using the mouse was slower than desired.
- Pressing the right mouse button now looks at things.
v1.1 - October 23, 2024
- We have changed the resolution switching when launching the game. You can now choose exactly what setting to switch your monitor to.
The code base from Nethergate: Resurrection dates way back to 1998. This game plays in a FIXED 800x600 pixel area. You will probably need to try different monitor resolutions to find one that fits well. The game's guess of what resolution will work best will be the first one on the monitor selection list.
Other Windows Issues
Getting Boutell In Castle Aethdoc
When you are playing Romans and try to recruit Boutell in the cell in Castle Aethdoc, if you are in combat mode, Boutell will not join your party and special encounters in the area will not work correctly until you leave and return. This will be fixed in future versions of the game. In the meantime, make sure you are not in combat mode before you recruit Boutell.
Nethergate: Resurrection for Windows CD Full Installer Problem
There is a problem with the Nethergate: Resurrection for Windows CD Full Installer that can sometimes cause the game to think it's not registered. If you run into problems with this, there are two options.
1. You can contact us and we can send you a new CD.
2. Run the game. Load a saved game. Press Escape. Select Main Menu.
Once back on the main menu, if the game says it is unregistered, E-mail us the registration code. We can make you a key. Once you have the key, repeat the steps above, select Register Copy, and enter the key.
Reactivating the Character Editor
For the support page reactivating the editor, the file they need to delete is NethergateSettings.dat, which is in the Nethergate Saved Games folder, which is in My Documents.
Nethergate: Resurrection Support for Macintosh
We have upgraded Nethergate: Resurrection for the Macintosh to v1.0.3. Download it from the main Nethergate: Resurrection page.
Nethergate Version History
v1.0 - Initial Release
v1.0.1 - Bug Fixes
- Celts can not longer fight the Romans multiple times and collect multiple crowns after leaving Annwn. Cartumnus will take multiple crowns correctly to enable you to continue the game.
- Corrected statistic bonuses for several items.
- Crones no longer drop undefined items.
- Fixed other minor problems and typos.
- Fixes some typos and small glitches.
- Corrects a problem that has not caused crashes yet but might in the future.
- Now runs in Millions of Colors instead of Thousands of Colors.
- Changed graphics so that it will now run properly on the Leopard version of Mac OS X.
Other Macintosh Issues
How To Run Game on Mac OSX 10.12 or Later
At some point in the future, when and if Apple decides to drop support for all 32 bit apps, this game will completely stop working on new Mac systems. In the meantime, this game can still run with a few extra steps.
If the game will not launch with a simple double click or errors out on launch, try these steps to get it running:
Go to your Applications Folder on your hard drive. Open the Nethergate - Resurrection ƒ folder.
Control-Click the Nethergate - Resurrection v1.0.3 application. From the pop up menu, select Show Package Contents.
Open Contents folder and then MacOS folder.
Control-Click the file Nethergate - Resurrection Release, and select Open from the pop up menu.
This will open a terminal window and should launch the game automatically as a process of that window. Do not close this terminal window (that would quit the game.) If the game window is under other application windows and is inaccessible, select Command-Tab to cycle through your applications.
Game should run normally.
Installing Macintosh Games From CD Error: "Requires admin privileges to run."
A small number of people using Snow Leopard have found that, when they try to install the full game from the CD, the installer quits with the error "This installer requires admin privileges to run." This happens even when they have admin privileges. This problem has inflicted a large number of installers and, alas, some of Spiderweb Software's games are affected.
There are two workarounds for this problem. One of them is to install the demo and request a new registration code here:
Getting registration keys is always free.
There is a second, more involved workaround. Insert the game CD and carry out the following steps:
1. Open the Install file. A window will open with the game art and an installer with the game icon. It will have a name like "Install Avernum 6 (Full)". Drag this installer onto your desktop.
2. Hold down the Control key and click on the installer. A menu will come up. Select "Show Package Contents."
3. Open the Contents folder. Open the Resources folder.
4. Open the file "installscript.plist" If it asks you what program to open it with, choose TextEdit.
5. Scroll down until you find these lines:
<key>Require Admin</key>
and change them to
<key>Require Admin </key>
6. Save and quit TextEdit. The installer should now work.
This is an ugly situation and an ugly workaround, and we apologize for it. We wish this hasn't happened, we will do our best to make sure CDs printed in the future don't have the problem, and we desperately hope that Apple fixes this problem in an upcoming operating system update. The installers are written in a format provided by Apple, and their refusing to run even on an account with proper privileges is a serious problem.
Please let us know if you have any problems, and we will do our best to get you up and running.
Getting Boutell In Castle Aethdoc
When you are playing Romans and try to recruit Boutell in the cell in Castle Aethdoc, if you are in combat mode, Boutell will not join your party and special encounters in the area will not work correctly until you leave and return. This will be fixed in future versions of the game. In the meantime, make sure you are not in combat mode before you recruit Boutell.
Graphics Problems In Leopard
The graphics in Nethergate: Resurrection will not look right when you play the game in the Leopard operating system. These problems can be fixed by download and installing v1.0.3 or later.
Multiple Crown Problem In v1.0
When playing as the Celts, after leaving Annwn and fighting the Romans for the crown, there is a potential problem. If you then reenter the Stone Gate area, the Romans will be there again. if you fight them and get another crown, you will no longer be able to complete the quest for Cartumnus.
This will be fixed in v1.0.1. If you don't wish to upgrade, as a workaround, don't go back to fight the Romans a second time.
Nethergate: Resurrection on old versions of OS X.
Nethergate: Resurrection for the Macintosh is only supported for OS X 10.3 or later. It should be playable on OS X 10.2, but there will be some graphical glitches.
Reactivating the Character Editor
To reactivate the Nethergate: Resurrection character editor, go into your Preferences folder (in the Library folder in your Users folder) and throw away the file "Nethergate Resurrection Prefs". If your copy of the game is registered, you will need to ask us for a replacement registration code. (This is free.)